Screw it!

After deliberating long and hard about this whole "blogging world", I have finally come to terms with the fact that this blog was for ME and not for YOU! No offense. But I find myself apologizing in all my posts about not writing things with "substance", or constantly writing about what bar I've been to latest... Well, too bad for you! If that's what I'm doing, then that is what you will read about. I realized that you are the ones that can choose whether the content of my blog is interesting or not, and I don't need to cater to what I think people want to read. If I just so happen to write about things that may be of some interest to people, suh-weet.

Anyway, my job hunt has kicked off again!! I finally obtained that Smart Serve Ontario certification. Let me tell you that it is a long and grueling process, but the test is pretty simple. After about three hours of reading modules and watching cheesy videos, I got a 96% on the test. That is a whopping 24/25. I only got one question wrong due to CONFUSION! *achem* They were asking what is the maximum BAC (take your smart serve if you want to know what that is... dun dun dun) one can have before being charged by the National Police whatevers.. I forget already! I put 0.5, but that is only the Highway Traffic Act. It is ACTUALLY 0.8. Nowwww you all know for your future tests, kids!

As I was saying, the job hunt has resumed. I spent my entire day yesterday applying to different places - restaurants, bars, catering companies, night clubs, bunk bed stores (hehe), ice cream stores, lounges, THE WORKS! You may just so happen to stumble across me on a drunken night out in the big city. I may be serving you that not-so-needed double gin and tonic at the end of your wild night! Keep your eyes peeled! - That is.. if you even know what I look like.. Then again, I am also assuming that strangers are reading my blog. That would be cool, but somehow I highly doubt it. Not to scare you away if you are, in fact, a stranger. I welcome you all to the wacky & jumbled mind I walk around with on a day-to-day basis.

And no, I still have not fixed my lack-of-pictures problem. I PROMISE I will get right on that.

My mom just spent a week and a half in Palm Springs, California. I am so so so so jealous, seeing as it is JUNE and we are only having highs of what? 16 degrees celcius?! You have got to be kidding me. In Palm Springs, they're having highs of 38 degrees celcius with pure, hot, beautiful, much-needed SUN! She gets home tonight, so I am praying that she either brought the sun home with her, or some killer presents!! Hehe, one can only dream.

On to more important matters - I am having my four wisdom teeth removed tomorrow afternoon. You could not even begin to guess how terrified I am! What if I don't wake up? What if the chipmunk cheeks never go down? What if I have a dry-socket (apparently one of the most painful things you can have in your mouth. Even the name sounds daunting)? Eek! Everyone I know has tried to comfort me about the operation to no avail. I will let you all know how I'm doing once I get home from the operation. I think it would be funny to attempt a blog post while under general anesthesia! Not to mention the Tylonel #3's.... hahaha

I will use my mom's camera to take a picture of my face for you all to laugh at!!

Have a swell (I've always wanted to use that word for something) day, folks (yes I said folks)!