When I woke up after my surgery, my dentist handed me a little "loot bag" as I called it in my drugged out state full of fun little post-op items: ice packs, gauze, post-op instructions, and another peculiar little package. What was inside that peculiar little package you might ask? My teeth, of course!! I asked my dentist (politely) why he was handing me my teeth in a baggy and he informed me that I was quite keen on keeping them and taking them home with me. It's miraculous what some deep sedation can do to your mind!I figured you wanted to see them. Slightly graphic, I'll admit. As you can see, there are five pieces of teeth there. Fortunately, my wisdom teeth had not grown roots yet, so these are just the little pieces of crown that the dentist removed from my mouth. You can obviously tell why I wanted to keep these puppies... Nawt.
I pretty much spent the entire day relaxing in bed, listening to books on tape from when I was little (Jacob Two-Two and the Hooded Fang) and reading picture books. This little dude kept me company, as he always does:He's my little Buddha that my good friend Naomi got for me in Thailand many years back. As you can see, he is sporting some pretty cool bling bling. I refer to him as my little Jewish Buddha. I rub his belly for good luck :)
Hamir came to be my dinner pal. Lucky for him, he got to eat some delicious handmade, home-cooked burgers and chicken wings, while I slurped on some soup, cottage cheese, taboule, ice cream and a Rocket popsicle. As you can see, a golf ball has chosen to reside in my left cheek. And yeah, I am still wearing my kittycat pajamas.
Time to go watch a movie on TV! Sounds like a fun-filled Friday night to me :)
Ciao for now,
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