I had the absolute worst sleep last night. My mouth was in an incredible amount of pain, I woke up thirsty every hour, I was hot and then I was cold, the sun was shining through my window too bright... I could go on and on and on!!
My cheeks are super swollen now. My mom took a picture of me at 7:30am this morning:This picture does not do any justice, but I can assure you my cheeks are pretty damn big!! More so on my left side. This is my attempt to make a big smile for you all, but unfortunately I am finding it difficult to open my fat mouth.
Oh and as you can see, I am wearing my magical/super cool/rad/gnarly flannel kittycat pajamas :) As my mom says, I have a "beautiful collection of pajamas."This is the ice pack contraption my mom made for my lovely fat face :) It consists of a frozen ice pack, a scarf from Thailand and a cloth from India. How very stylish, wouldn't you agree? What looks like a weird bun on the top of my head is actually the scarf tied in a knot - one can only be so cool!
Well, I am finding it kind of hard to type as I am a little drugged from my powerful Tylenol #3s, so I will leave you on a final note.
As I complained last night to my mom as I was going to bed about the severe pain in my mouth, she replied with: "Well, imagine how it feels to have a baby!"
Uh, no thanks!!!
Over and out,
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