Following My Dream....

Ever since I can remember, I have loved to write. It has always been a distinct passion of mine, and I have always known that I want to pursue a career that involves some form of writing.

Recently in the past year, I have come to terms with the fact that I hated the school I was at (University of Guelph). For one, my program was all wrong. I picked Sociology as my major because in grade 12, I really enjoyed my Sociology class. I have now realized this is because I had the greatest teacher for that class, and it was not particularly the subject matter I enjoyed, but how it was taught by my mentor. I went off to university with high hopes for my program, but was let down immensely by the boredom & useless fact I came out with. Secondly, the town was just terrible - no offense if you're from Guelph - I am just a city girl. For me, a downtown with three streets maximum is just too small. Thirdly, I was a mega loner! Not to make you feel all "oooh poor Sadie", but I legitimately had no friends. I started with quite a few, but due to certain falling outs & catty fights, I am leaving Guelph with a mere two new friends - although I will treasure their friendships for life.

With the amazing support system of my friends, family, and of course, Hamir, I was able to get through a treacherous two years of interesting situations.

I have decided that I want to pursue a degree in Journalism, or some form of media communication, so that I can reach my goal of becoming a world-renowned food critic. I mean, who doesn't want to eat all the time & get to write about it?

I am going to use this blog not only as an outlet for writing poetry, short stories, and whatnot, but as a stomping ground for my future food critic career. Thanks to some much needed tips for a starting point from my good friend, Carly, I will be starting my food critic days very shortly (I just have to go out for a meal, other than fast food!!).

Stay tuned.............



April 21, 2009 at 10:50 AM

Congrats on your decision Sadie! I'm really proud of you and you better have a meal with me to review :)