So I've finished school... Now what?

I got home from school on Saturday night, after a long and grueling day of moving an apartment-load of things from Guelph to Toronto in a Uhaul (obviously with the help of a few friends). Since then, I have been sleeping.

Literally, I feel as if I have been in a permanent comatose state since Saturday night. Maybe even since Saturday morning, as I spent a long & hilarious night out with Katie and Sarah in Guelph on Friday, celebrating our final hoo-rah in the G.

So now I find myself in a bit of a predicament. I am jobless. Unemployed. A full-time sleeper. Out of work. Made redundant. Unwaged. On the dole. A lazy bum. I could go on and on. The point is, it is hard to find a job in our economy's current situation. I mean, it's not as if I haven't tried, although it is tough to find a job in Toronto whilst attending (not really) school, and studying (not really) for exams! But I have handed out my fair share of resumes and have yet to hear back from anyone, other than receiving an interview from Green Acres Summer Day Camp, which of course only pays approximately $3.00/hour.

For the past three summers, I have worked for my mother at her PR agency, Strategic Objectives. It was a great job, and I met a ton of great people - most of whom I am still in contact with and am good friends with - but I was unfortunately stuck under the all-too-familiar "boss's daughter" stigma. Though I did make my circle of friends, I couldn't help but notice when I walked into a room, for example at lunch time, the conversation would switch abruptly. Do I seem like a tattle-tale? Do I give off the impression of a goody-two-shoes? I hope not... I have spent my life thus far proving myself to be the direct opposite of that! (Not on purpose, of course!)

My point is, I am on the hunt to try something new, and have something different to add to my resume to give me a little versatility.

Today, I spent the afternoon at a coin-laundromat, washing everything that I had at school, such as comforters, pillows, couch covers, pillow cases, and more. I had no idea how expensive coin-laundromats were! I had five loads of washers, at a rate of $3.75 per load, plus four drier loads, at a rate of $2.00 per load. I spent a total of $26.75 on laundry! Maybe that's the norm, but it was a first for me, and it just seemed a little up there, considering how often you have to do your laundry!

Tomorrow, I am going to look into how I can turn Humber College's three year PR diploma program into a, I believe they call it, joint-degree, so it can be a university degree. I've heard it's possible, and that would be really ideal, as having a degree in this day in age is pretty vital.

Speaking of Humber College, I am pretty stoked on going to college. I have always thought of college - no offense - as a place where people go if they can't get into university, or can't afford it. However, I've been looking into colleges lately, and have applied to three different programs at Humber (Public Relations, Journalism - print & broadcast, and Media Communications) and it just seems like the best option. University is based 100% on theories and text books, whereas college is just so practical, and gives you skills that are necessary in the real world. If I can turn my diploma into a university degree, what is the point of even going to university!? Obviously there are two sides of the coin on that one, but at this point in time, all I'm focused on is suceeding, and how I can go about doing that.

Not only am I totally stoked on going to college, and trying new things, I am very excited to start completely fresh. I never enjoyed UofGuelph, nor did I ever make a tight-knit circle of friends, which I hear is one of the greatest parts of university, so I hope I get a chance to try again and find that missing part of the post-secondary puzzle. I'm also really excited to live at home again! I've been moved out of my home since grade 11, when I took off to boarding school for two years, and then off to Guelph for another two. It's about time I move back in with my Mom & not have to pay for rent, utilities or food! :) Not to mention the fact that I miss the city so so so so much. Living in Toronto now, with a much greater appreciation for it, will be amazing. I used to always say how much I hated Toronto, and how I would move to another city to live my life, but after being away for so long, I really appreciate all this wonderful city has to offer, and how much I feel at home whenever I am here.

Well, I think that's it for now. What started as a mini-rant about being unemployed turned into a bit of a free-write about everything on my mind at this current point in time.

Stay tuned........

Following My Dream....

Ever since I can remember, I have loved to write. It has always been a distinct passion of mine, and I have always known that I want to pursue a career that involves some form of writing.

Recently in the past year, I have come to terms with the fact that I hated the school I was at (University of Guelph). For one, my program was all wrong. I picked Sociology as my major because in grade 12, I really enjoyed my Sociology class. I have now realized this is because I had the greatest teacher for that class, and it was not particularly the subject matter I enjoyed, but how it was taught by my mentor. I went off to university with high hopes for my program, but was let down immensely by the boredom & useless fact I came out with. Secondly, the town was just terrible - no offense if you're from Guelph - I am just a city girl. For me, a downtown with three streets maximum is just too small. Thirdly, I was a mega loner! Not to make you feel all "oooh poor Sadie", but I legitimately had no friends. I started with quite a few, but due to certain falling outs & catty fights, I am leaving Guelph with a mere two new friends - although I will treasure their friendships for life.

With the amazing support system of my friends, family, and of course, Hamir, I was able to get through a treacherous two years of interesting situations.

I have decided that I want to pursue a degree in Journalism, or some form of media communication, so that I can reach my goal of becoming a world-renowned food critic. I mean, who doesn't want to eat all the time & get to write about it?

I am going to use this blog not only as an outlet for writing poetry, short stories, and whatnot, but as a stomping ground for my future food critic career. Thanks to some much needed tips for a starting point from my good friend, Carly, I will be starting my food critic days very shortly (I just have to go out for a meal, other than fast food!!).

Stay tuned.............

A Poem Inspired by "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"


She sat in the shade of her bookshelf,

perusing out her porthole,
hands perched above her type-writer,
wondering what shape would pass by next.
“Does inspiration come in shapes?”

But no one heard,
and no one answered.

She would sit alone in the shade of her bookshelf,
day in and day out,
hands perched above her type-writer,
wondering what to write next.
Yellow and red striped wallpaper and
dainty white doyleys smothered her.
“I ought to get a decorator.”

But no one heard,
and no one answered.

As she sat in the shade of her bookshelf,
listening to the pettish cry of children on the street,
hands perched above her type-writer,
she realized she hadn’t written
a single novel
in all her lifetime.
She gazed down in awe at her
prune-like, wise hands,
zealously perched above her type-writer,
gently tottering above her type-writer.
Her jaw dropped in horror
when she finally fathomed the news.
“I’m archaic!”

But no one heard,
and no one answered.

She permitted her
timeworn hands

to fall to her lap.

Thinking of You - Always

This is an abscond poem with a line from Amy Lowell's poem, "The Taxi."

I can feel your soft whisper in my ear,
a smile hanging on my lips,
your breath tickles my neck.
I can see your eyes,
blue as the sea,
where thousands of thoughts and secrets float
behind the blank page that is your face.
Your eyes
sparkle with brilliance
as they dance across my face.
Your lips curl into
a rascally grin
as you look into my eyes,
as the tips of your fingers explore my back,
and my heart skips a beat -
Everything is just right with you
until the Mighty Slap
of reality
lopes around the corner
and takes me away.
the world beats dead
like a slackened drum,
and I am here,
sitting in my chair,
thinking of You -

The People I Love Best


There is never a dull moment;
hooting, cheering, playing, jeering.
They discern my misery
and turn my frown

upside down.

Bed head,
covered in muck,
or ready for the ball;
not a care in the world.
We laugh
to make things right.
We cry
when our heads are jumbled.
No matter how far,
they are always there.

These are the People I love best.

Magnum Opus - A Masterpiece

Your imagination
is a whirlwind of
colourful imagery
you add to the batter needed
to create a
Poetry dessert.

Each letter, each word
is thrown into the mix to construct a
Colossal Chocolate Cocoanut Cake.
Each thought adds to the
sticky, warm, rich icing.

and without guilt,
you let go.

It is candy for your mind –


There is a sweet story

in between the lines

and you smile: just because.

Sky Friend

We would lie in the park and watch him
soar through the air with such
astonishing grace.
Carried by the cool summer breeze,
he would fly over the long branches
that hung over our heads like a canopy.
His fingers tangled in mine,
we looked on in amazement.

I wish I could take flight and ride alongside my
Friend in the Sky.

A New Beginning

So, another chapter of my life is complete. I have finished my final exams at the University of Guelph, and now I am on to bigger and better things. No, I have not graduated from Guelph. I am transferring schools because, at long last, I know what I want to do with my life. Ultimately, my main goal is to be a food critic. Obviously, I love to write. But my love for food triumphs anything I favour in the whole entire world.

I chose to start this blog because I have not been writing as much as I used to, and this is a problem for me. Writing used to be my outlet for everything, and lately, I've been bottling it up inside. Hopefully I will be able to let off some steam here. I am new to blogging, so forgive me if I don't do this correctly - although, I'm not sure if there really is a "correct" way to do it..