Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Last week, the weather was gorgeous. The sun was shining, people were out walking around, there was not a cloud in the sky! So we decided to go for a little, relaxing drive. Soon enough, we found ourselves around Union Station, watching tourists struggle with their giant maps of the GTA, taxis crawling in and out of traffic, TFC jersey-clad soccer fans and of course, Toronto baseball fans decked out in Blue Jays attire.

Can you tell which Harvey's this is? I'll give you a hint, it's on Jarvis and ladies of the night hang around here...
I got a little camera-happy on our drive downtown. I was taking pictures of everything and trying to be all artsy - epic fail.

As we drove down Jarvis, we were stopped at a red light right beside this car. The dog seemed to be staring me down the entire time. Despite the semi-creepiness of it, the dog was so cute! So I took a picture of my new compadre.

As I was saying before, we made our way down to Union station, where we spontaneously decided to buy some tickets to the Toronto Blue Jays vs. Cincinnati Reds game from a scalper. We bought two tickets for a total of $15.00 for the 500 level (aka: nose-bleed section).
Through the Skywalk, we took some pretty touristy pictures... It was hilarious because actual tourists were staring at us like we were absolute lunatics. We had fun, nonetheless.
We finally made it to the Skydome - where the roof was open! We went in through gate 6 so that we could easily make our way up to the 500 level, but decided to stick around on the 100 level for a bit. Then music started playing and all the ushers walked down the stairs to the front of the field, so Hamir and I took this opportunity to sneak down into the 100 level section - into GREAT seats, might I add!

After eating some delicious ball game hot dogs and sipping on some Coors Light, the Jays trumped the Reds 8-2 and we headed home. Great game, great day, great weather, great company!
